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Midnight Poetry

It is my belief that good poetry is not written past midnight. Here is my proof. Still, if you're not sleeping...

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Me, Myself and This Guy

I walked in on myself in the bathroom the other night.

            It was so embarrassing.


Was kept awake all night by my obnoxiously loud snoring.

            Seriously dude, get an operation.


And for the sake of decorum, I always close my eyes when I’m changing my clothes.


I invited me to go to the gym but didn’t have the time, so I had to go by myself.


I am always picking up after me,

            finishing my sentences,

                        lending myself things I never return.


Once, I invited myself to my birthday party but never even showed up.

            It just slipped my mind.

I sat around for hours waiting for me. Later, when I ran into me on the streets,

            I didn’t even apologize.


Now, any time I’m in a room with me, it’s awkward.


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